has anyone made a drawing or found one, or the new power distrubution block. it would really be appriciated if someone could link me to a site or send me a file.
thank you.
has anyone made a drawing or found one, or the new power distrubution block. it would really be appriciated if someone could link me to a site or send me a file.
thank you.
hey i dont have a drawing but i know the general config of it…so u have a rail with a cross section that looks like this… --___-- and you have the power distribution blocks (grey black and red) first a gray one goes on then four reds, then another grey then black ones then final gray
so it looks like…
| G | R | R | R | R | G | B | B | B | B | G |
| G | R | R | R | R | G | B | B | B | B | G |
| G | R | R | R | R | G | B | B | B | B | G |
| G | R | R | R | R | G | B | B | B | B | G |
__________________________________ (<= RAIL)
try this, it’s a pdf
I think he meant an Inventor file…
I don’t think it’s in the Virtual KOP, and it isn’t in the FIRST CAD Library. We might just model it ourselves anyway.
201 is currently working on an inventor version of it… probably going to post sometime in the next week… if you have an Email address I can email directly to you!
when do u think youll have the power distribution block ready like you we really need one. when you have it finished could you please send the inventor file to [email protected]
if you could also email that to [email protected], that would be amazing!
Could you also send one to me too, [email protected], Thanks.
I am also interested in a CAD of the block.
[email protected]
Yeah if u guys get the new block done in inventor that would be great [email protected]
1712 probably won’t model it because it’s on the robot and it’s too late to take it off…
401 is interested in a CAD/Inventor drawing of the block.
[email protected]
come on guys, that block is not hard to make. i had my new kids with inventor make that block and it came out pretty.
Well since everyone else thinks its a good idea, I’d like one too, please. My email address is [email protected]
here is what i have made so far
its a good start but its missing all the patterns and stuff, could you possably email me a zip format of all the parts and the assembly file at
thank you
its not the difficulty thats the issue. its the time and the fact that its being used. do you think you could send it to me? this is our rookie year and we’re running really low on time! [email protected] thanks!
is it possible to send me a copy of all the parts and the assembly please, I think the drawing looks really good, [email protected], Thanks.
im going to jump on the bandwagon and have you email it to me to if its not a problem… fluffy.fro @ gmail.com
thanks in advance