Power Poles

We bought Power Pole Connectors for are electrical and we didn’t realize you need a special crimping tool. Is there any other way to crimp them properly with out it

You can do it with a generic non-ratcheting crimper like this: https://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_36616_36616

It’s super painful to do it, though. It takes multiple steps that have to be done pretty precisely. We did it for the first two years that I was on 3082 and had 30-40% failure rate on the crimps.

I recommend the TRI-crimp for $45, we did that last year and never looked back. Perfect crimps every time. https://powerwerx.com/tricrimp-powerpole-connector-crimping-tool

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Can you? Yes.
Should you? NO!

Any teams in your area that you can borrow one from?


Just tweeted out to my local teams thanks for that idea

Your CD profile is “hidden.” If you show what team you’re from on CD you may get teams that aren’t on Twitter to reach out too.

Changed it! Thanks

Crimpers are available from andymark Anna’s most ham radio stores. I like the one from west mountain radio.

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