Power Terminals

Does anyone know where to find the 6AWG ring terminals?

can you be more specific are you talking about the ring connectors that are used to connect the leads of the battery to the battery and to connect the 6 awg wire to the fuse panel? if you are then you should be able to find them at any store with electrical connectors (IE. Radio shack, ACE Hardware, Lowes, etc) any store like that should carry them.

If you ask for “Ring Terminals”, they might look in the wrong rack and tell you that they don’t have them. Most of the 6awg “ring terminals” that I’ve found are referred to as “Lugs”. The only difference between them (as far as I can tell) are that “Lugs” do not have any insulation on them.

You can find these crimp ons at Radio Shack in a pinch (they are more expensive) or even at Home Depot. Any hardware store or electrical supply will have them if you need them quick. Otherwise check out Digikey.
Also, when specifying terminals you have to say the wire size and the stud (hole in the terminal) size.

C&H Surplus in Pasadena, CA. (I’m not sure if they’re on the web.) APEX in Sun Valley, CA. (not on the web) Possibly www.allelectronics.com

I found ring connectors for #6 wire at a local auto parts store. They were with battery cables, not with the smaller crip connectors.