Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc.

Posted by Jim Butler, Engineer on team #111, Wildstang, from Rolling Meadows/Wheeling HS Dist #214 and Motorola.

Posted on 4/6/99 3:11 PM MST

I would like to get ahold of another PowerWheels drive.
The local service centers (www.powerwheels.com) tell me
that the motor/gearbox is sold as an assy, part number
#774-60-9519, price $39, but nobody’s got one in stock.

Does anybody out there have one that they would like to
trade / whatever? We can consummate the deal in FLA!

BTW, the service center told me that there’s no left/
right distinction in the gearboxes, i.e., that there’s
one part number and there’s two (2) qty. used on the
X-treme Machine. However, I seem to remember that there
was a physical difference between the assemblies.
Does anybody have a comment on this?



Posted by Joe Johnson, Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 4/6/99 7:21 PM MST

In Reply to: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Jim Butler on 4/6/99 3:11 PM MST:

I am quite sure that the parts are not handed.

Sadly, we don’t have any to spare.

Joe J.

Posted by Greg Mills, Engineer on team #16, Baxter Bomb Squad, from Mountain Home and Baxter Healthcare.

Posted on 4/7/99 6:32 AM MST

In Reply to: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Jim Butler on 4/6/99 3:11 PM MST:


   We have two sets of spares, One we purchased early and one we just traded for. Look me up in Epcot and we can work something out. If this is just for a spare, we can put #111 on it and just hang onto it or take it to your pit.

Posted by Greg Mills, Engineer on team #16, Baxter Bomb Squad, from Mountain Home and Baxter Healthcare.

Posted on 4/9/99 7:32 AM MST

In Reply to: Re: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Greg Mills on 4/7/99 6:32 AM MST:

: :

: Jim,
I can’t seem to get a message through to your email so I’ll go this route. We have a FP with #111 marked on it. I told our pit crew that if anyone in a funky Wildstang shirt appears with a panic-stricken look on his face, to get the drive in his hands ASAP!
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon,

Posted by Raul, Engineer on team #111, Wildstang, from Rolling Meadows & Wheeling HS and Motorola.

Posted on 4/9/99 7:55 AM MST

In Reply to: Re: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Greg Mills on 4/9/99 7:32 AM MST:

Thanks Greg.

BTW - the email did get through. Jim forwarded it to me.


Posted by Bill Beatty, Other on team #71, Team Hammond, from Team Hammond.

Posted on 4/19/99 11:20 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Raul on 4/9/99 7:55 AM MST:


We also have a number of spares. We will have plenty in FL. There are two versions. One with 16 teeth other with 19 teeth on motor pinion. Other gearing is the same, therefore housing for motor mount is slightly different. Also one runs faster.

Bill Beatty

Posted by Joe Johnson, Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 4/20/99 7:54 PM MST

In Reply to: Pwr wheels-two versions posted by Bill Beatty on 4/19/99 11:20 PM MST:


I know that there are multiple Fisher Price gearboxes out there, but the only ones that were supposed to be provided by FIRST in the offficial kit are the ones with 16 teeth on the motor pinion.

As to the rest of the gears being the same (and therefore there are different gear housings), are you sure about that?

My understanding way back last fall when I was talking to the F-P guys almost every other day was that the gearbox was common and only the first stage changed (that is, the pinion on the motor and the cluster that it mates with). If this is correct then the 19 tooth version would have to mate with a gear that was 3 teeth bigger than the gear that mates with the 16 tooth pinion.

I am quite curious…

…If you get a chance, would you mind carefully comparing the two gearboxes?

Joe J.

Posted by Bill Beatty, Other on team #71, Team Hammond, from Team Hammond.

Posted on 4/20/99 11:37 PM MST

In Reply to: Are you sure? posted by Joe Johnson on 4/20/99 7:54 PM MST:


We will have both for you to look at in FL. We bought 10 gear boxes, six with motors and one replacement motor loose. Looking at the assembled unit you can not see the difference. They were all purchased as replacements for the Extreme Machine. Only after trying to fit the replacement motor to a gear box did we notice the difference in the spacing of the mounting hole for the motor. The mating gear to the motor pinion is the same in all cases. Caution- if you mount a motor with 16 teeth in a gear case made for 19 teeth you got trouble. The 19 tooth motor cannot be mounted on the 16 tooth box because it will bind big time.
If we had not purchased the loose motor we would never have spotted the difference. We wont know how many of each we have until we get to FL and open the crate.
Bill Beatty

Posted by Joe Johnson, Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 4/21/99 4:56 AM MST

In Reply to: Yep posted by Bill Beatty on 4/20/99 11:37 PM MST:


I never would have guessed that F-P would rather deal with different housings rather than simply a different cluster gear on the first stage.

I suppose that means that

  1. they are assembling them by hand and/or

  2. the volume is huge so they can justify spending the extra bucks to tool up the different housings.

I would have guessed that the housing tool was much more expensive than a cluster gear tool, so I supposed that that is the choice they would have made. I also supposed that they had a bunch of automatic machines assembling those black beauties. Again, I would have thought that the difference in center distance from one housing to another would be more difficult to deal with than a simple swap of one part for another.

Well, I supposed wrong…

Joe J.

Posted by Michael Betts, Engineer on team #177, Bobcat Robotics, from South Windsor High School and International Fuel Cells.

Posted on 4/21/99 4:59 AM MST

In Reply to: Yep posted by Bill Beatty on 4/20/99 11:37 PM MST:

To quote a girl named Alice, ‘curiouser and curiouser’…

: Joe

: We will have both for you to look at in FL. We bought 10 gear boxes, six with motors and one replacement motor loose. Looking at the assembled unit you can not see the difference. They were all purchased as replacements for the Extreme Machine. Only after trying to fit the replacement motor to a gear box did we notice the difference in the spacing of the mounting hole for the motor. The mating gear to the motor pinion is the same in all cases. Caution- if you mount a motor with 16 teeth in a gear case made for 19 teeth you got trouble. The 19 tooth motor cannot be mounted on the 16 tooth box because it will bind big time.
: If we had not purchased the loose motor we would never have spotted the difference. We wont know how many of each we have until we get to FL and open the crate.
: Bill Beatty

Posted by Joe Johnson, Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 4/21/99 7:31 PM MST

In Reply to: Yep posted by Bill Beatty on 4/20/99 11:37 PM MST:

The first time I read your message, I was focused on other matters, specifically, how could anyone as great as I am be wrong? :wink:

But, now that I have read you message again, I have noticed something new…

‘We bought 10 gear boxes…’

Hey, I thought only so called ultra-rich teams like Delphi bought 10 spares of ANYTHING!

How do you expect us big boys to stomp on all you lesser teams if you act like you’re in it to win!?!? :wink:

Ah well, what can’t be changed must be endured…

Let’s all keep playing like we mean to win, shall we? I think it is good for all of us.

Joe J.

P.S. In actual fact, about the only thing we bought 10 spares of are 100 KOhm pots because we had some troubles last year. BTW, we have yet to replace one! And so it goes…

Posted by Bill Beatty, Other on team #71, Team Hammond, from Team Hammond.

Posted on 4/27/99 8:09 AM MST

In Reply to: Hey, I just noticed something… posted by Joe Johnson on 4/21/99 7:31 PM MST:


There is a logical explanation for 10 FP gearmotors.

Would you believe that by cornering the market we were able to make a killing selling them at exorbitant prices to desperate teams at the Nationals?

Bill Beatty

Posted by Joe Johnson, Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 4/27/99 9:01 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: Hey, I just noticed something… posted by Bill Beatty on 4/27/99 8:09 AM MST:

You entrepreneurs are always looking for the way to make a buck :wink:

Is this some new way to finance your team?

Joe J

Posted by Thomas A. Frank, Engineer on team #121, The Islanders/Rhode Warrior, from Middletown (RI) High School and Naval Undersea Warfare Center.

Posted on 4/12/99 4:42 PM MST

In Reply to: Power Wheels parts needed: Will trade, sell soul, etc. posted by Jim Butler on 4/6/99 3:11 PM MST:

Hello All;


7515 East Mcdowell Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Phone: (602) 946-7487

I obtained 2 from them a couple of weeks ago, and they had more in stock
at that time.

The $45 (or so) includes the motor, but no wires.

They are not ‘handed’.

The nice lady was a little confused about why someone in RI would order from
a shop in AZ; I explained about FIRST and told her that some items were getting
a bit hard to come by. In my case, I was calling every center near where I knew
someone so if by some quirk they couldn’t ship, I could have someone stop by and pick the
items up. My folks are not far from there. But Elliott ships, no problem.

Tom Frank