"powerful" drivetrain

*I’ve seen a number of posts commenting on 2337’s “powerful” drivetrain. Assuming for the moment that “powerful” in this context is intended to mean “forceful”, this raises some questions.

My understanding is that 2337 has a 4-CIM 8x4"-wheel drivetrain. So what makes it exceptional? Assuming it’s geared low enough to take full advantage of the wheel traction (i.e traction limited), that leaves only the traction (wheel-to-carpet friction interaction) as the explanation.

  • are the wheel treads made of some sort of exceptionally high friction material?

  • is the tread pattern on the wheels unique and able to provide superior gripping traction on the carpet?

  • is the center of mass is positioned to somehow make optimum use of the available traction?

Without a complete understanding I’d say that robot weight may also be a factor. 2337’s robot is within the “normal” motor, gearing, and wheel selection that we see on a yearly basis however many robots this year are well below the 120# limit.

If 2337’s robot is maximizing their weight allowance they do have an advantage in a pushing match.

I believe that 2337 used versa wheels.


Ah yes. Good point. That could definitely be a factor.

Ah, versa wheels.

FWIW, before they wear in, they’re pretty darn close to a ‘hard plastic cleat’…

The center four VersaWheels were fresh for MSC (swapped them on Wednesday), and we weighed in before eliminations at exactly 120.0 lbs, and our bumpers are 15.5 lbs apiece. I think these may have also contributed.

Weight definitely has an affect, also the width of your wheels since as far as I’ve seen no team has discovered a traction material with more friction on carpet than versa wheels or blue food service plaction (can’t remember the actual name). Our robot is just at 120lbs, 4 CIM drivetrain, and our wheels are about 2 1/2" wide each and we’ve been able to push every other robot who’s blocked us. I think it’s just a combination of small things that add up to make the difference.