I was just wondering something. How would you go about powering the OI with the competition port, like they do at the competitions?
Innovation FIRST has never officially said, but several people have discovered, accidentally or otherwise, that pin 1 is what carries power.
I don’t know if it is 9 volts or 5 volts (or something else). All I know is what other people have posted here.
So…I’d connect the positive end to pin 1 and the negative to any of the grounds?
correct…but by doing so, you void your warranty, yadda, yadda, yadda.
You should definitely check the voltage at pin 1 both when it is plugged into the wall and when it is plugged into the robot via tether. That should give you an idea of what is the correct voltage to apply. Remember that pin 8 is ground.
*Originally posted by David Bing *
**So…I’d connect the positive end to pin 1 and the negative to any of the grounds? **
This is probbly true but not necessarily depending on the internal circuitry of the OI.
Please post whatever you find out.