Practice your programming skills by doing the Advent of Code

For any keen programmers and mentors: practice your programming skills by doing the Advent of Code this year. Each day you get a coding puzzle, and you can compete to see who finishes first. The first few days are easy, but the challenge ramps up quickly.

It is common to try a new language when doing the advent of code. This year I am practicing Go and posting my solutions to AOC2022/cmd at master · HugoKlepsch/AOC2022 · GitHub


I’ve been talking with another sw captain in the area and we started a ~25-person competition on day 1! It’s been super successful in fostering communications and helping make connections.

We started a private leaderboard to do a “local” friendly competition and a discord server to communicate.

Overall highly seconding that recommendation.

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 09.31.07

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