Predict Week One Average Alliance Score

  • <30
  • 30-40
  • 40-50
  • 50-60
  • 60-70
  • 70-80
  • 80-90
  • 90-100
  • over 100
0 voters

This came up in our strategy discussion today, and I wanted to see what the collective intelligence of chief Delphi could come up with. What will be the average score for one alliance in week one regionals?

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Playoff alliance? 80-90
Quals alliance? 30-40
that’s my guess. probably biased towards the higher direction by me being in California but whatever.


With 73 votes it looks like the 50-60 range is pulling away as the most common guess. And I also used a rough method to average all the guesses, and I got 56, so that range is not only the most common guess but also the average of all the guesses.

One interesting thing about this is a score of 50-60 puts the corral ranking point out of reach of most alliances. If you get the coral ranking point you are probabaly going to end up with 70+ points.

I’m excited to see if chief Delphi is right in this one.