Preseason Silly Moments

What are some funny moments/quotes during preseason that you’ve heard? Just curious.

One quote I heard was my friend describing our team as an “I Survived” book, not sure what to think.


In terms of quotes:

While technically build season, nobody really makes that distinction anymore given it was made in 2006


We did a mock kickoff from a previous game, and our list of qualities not to have on our robot was:

  1. picking up knocked over cones
  2. ICBMs
  3. skibidi toilet
  4. VEX
  5. pyrotechnics

Charged up would not allow Vex, apparently

Oh hey it’s me!

Our whole team is wildly silly pre-season. We’re just a bunch of goofy goobers who happen to like robots.

Some standouts:

Screaming at cars to stop for hotdogs at our hot dog fundraisers
Pressuring a “richer” team member to sponsor our team
Worshipping a Russian member’s golden Stalin bust (secularly)
Playing Shellshockers before every meeting, so much fun
Playing Super Smash Brothers on the robotics room TV (8-player pvp)
Playing Super Smash Brothers on the hotel room TV (until 11pm or until coaches notice)
Sitting in our own little area during pep chapel (we don’t get to sit with teams)
Protecting against the brainrot within our members
Sending large amounts of memes in our Discord
Teasing our short members
Teasing our tall members (me)
Trying to play ring toss with Notes
Throwing the stuffed rat from our old team (used to be FRC 2523 Lab Rats) into the rafters


Building what was essentially an aluminum skyscrapper ontop of a small turret…

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I was debugging some swerve input lag earlier this preseason and decided to document it (do NOT let me cook)



Me to the other programmers: “why is VS code on light mode? I left you people alone for 2 minutes…”

A: “because it’s funny”
B: “because you told us not to do it”
C: “because it looks like eggs Benedict”

Me: “I’m gonna eggs Benedict your face if you don’t change it back

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Me and @unusernamed made a quiz for our robotics team consisting of 2872 inside jokes, common FRC knowledge, uncommon FRC knowledge, do-you-know-who-this-is, and more. Nothing is in order and it’s ranged from easy, medium, and impossible difficulty. Every member we found had to take this silly quiz, and we even had our lead mentor take it as well. This was made more or less to see their reactions when they see the random questions (at least for me) and to ultimately find who knows our team the best.

this question is my personal favorite


Honestly, I was surprised at how many people that didn’t know the answer to this one !

our lead mentor looking at our 3d printers and seeing that we are printing the giga benchy.

(For some context we have a lot of normal benchys that we hide around the shop and he does not like that a lot, so he was not the most pleased when he saw it being printed. )


I will now be printing this as a kickoff gift, that find is amazing. We love benchys ! :laughing:

we are thinking about making one that is fully scaled up to the build plate limit, but we don’t have enough normal pla for it and don’t want to use our pet-cf or pla-cf

Aw that’s fair, at least a benchy is better than no benchy

Ok but like can we have it? I’d love to try out my knowledge

I edited it slightly due to privacy concerns and to make it actually passable, but here is the quiz ! For any takers, feel free to share your scores with us :o

this quiz was harder than my chem final

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We decided to build a turret bot for the offseason, not a particularly silly idea. Until we realized our design concepts were essentially 254’s bot.

So we did a rather big silly and made a half clone of Vortex that we named Kirby :sweat_smile:

Turned out to be great design practice but we unfortunately couldn’t pull it off fully for MTTD. Even still, we had a great time competing with Kirby and seeing it drive around at MTTD was a blast!!