Press Passes

I am the one that usually takes photos and videos of our team at events. I have seen scattered discussion about press passes but I am unsure exactly how to get them, or what privileges they provide.

I am specifically looking for ones at the Alpena #1 and Traverse City FIM completions. Not sure if that helps.

i know PNW events straight up don’t have them. YMMV in FIM though and I definitely don’t know the situation there.

You mean the media passes? I’m sure they give them out at events but you’ll need to ask for one. Your event may not have them but you get the privilege to chill with the drive team but you have the same area you can get in as technicians, but you can’t bother the drive team during the match or it’s setup or go on the game field where robots are, if the driveteam is waiting for their match or leaving their match then yeah you can chill with them but during matches you get to hang with technician

As far as I remember for FiM events, every team is given a “media pass” when they check-in. The pass usually grants field access, and it is up to the team as to who gets the pass.

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