Pressure regulator

Does anyone know of a way to have several different pressures available to one cylinder? We thought of an electronic regulator but could not find one for sale. Anyone have any ideas?

Theoretically, you could have x different routes, each triggering off of a different valve, and each valve having its own regulator. That’s not exactly the most practical route, though. And you’d have to prove that it can’t operate in such a way that the cylinder gets more than 60 PSI.

I’ve had this idea for awhile. Is there any rule that might prohibit attaching a servo to the dial on one of the kit regulators? No modification to the regulator is necessary if done properly.
Program the servo to turn to different positions based on buttons on the OI. Because the regulators vent excess pressure, excess pressure would be vented if the dial is turned to a lower setting while the system is charged.

Look at the SMC ITV series:

or put “electronic pressure regulator” into GOOGLE for more options.

You may want to look at this Q&A Forum answer.



Well…here again we was thinking outside the box same as you…I posted in this thread

There are several key pieces missing from the KOP however to make this happen and I would post questions to GDC if it’s legal or not for sure.

You know, there are servos that could possibly be adapted for the regulators, and that is legal (see Dave’s Q&A reference). There are also flow control fittings that can help.

I am pretty certain different pressures would be impossible because you can’t have two different systems coming from one compressor, since it would take multiple regulators set to different settings. The entire system would have pressure equal to the lowest setting on your regulators. If you just want the piston to move slower or faster, adjust the little knob on the plastic atatchment thing for the piston (can’t remember what they’re called) that the tubing goes into. I hope what I’m trying to say is clear enough to understand, I know what I want to say, but putting it to words is sometime hard for me.

The overall intention (at least with our team) would be to have the flexibility to change the pressure released to the piston under different conditions. Using the control valves to slow them down isn’t really the same thing in this case. Actuating the piston at 60psi vs. actuating the piston at 45psi and switching between the two or variable between the two would be ideal.

I just posted a powerpoint sketch of a possible solution.
Check the white papers under my name.

I am not sure it will work, but it could be a solution.

EDIT - Made a revision to the layout, see Rev A.
(original sketch deleted)

Good Luck.

You may be looking for a method to connect the variable regulator to a motor for pressure control. The servo would only give a fraction of a single rotation which is a very small change in overall pressure. However, the rule against modification of pneumatic components seems to come into play. I would think a question to the Q&A about the legality of attaching (as in gluing) a gear to the variable regulator might be appropriate. However, please keep in mind that the valves generally stop sealing at 20 PSI so that limits your secondary pressure range. Remember that 60PSI is the working pressure you must maintain ahead of any secondary pressure changes.

The GDC has said on the Q&A that continuous rotation servos which meet the torque and rotation speed specs of the rules are allowed this year.

I have no idea if this would be easier or harder than interfacing with a motor, just throwing it out there.

Maybe you should send me a PM and let me know what you are trying to do. There may be a better way to accomplish the task.

My team finally determined exactly what we need. We found the exact part on SMC but cannot seem to buy it anywhere. The SMC part number is
VY1100-502N. Any ideas on where to buy one? I have spent hours on google but have yet to find one.