pressureswitch problem

we are facing trouble with the pressureswitch it simply won’t work the Compressor just keeps on going forever!!!:ahh:
we have connected the Compressor to a functional spike and connected
the spike with pwm to the “relay” side car
also we connected the pressureswitch to the "digital I/O " part of the sidecar!!
(( the pwm cord are working the black cord in place and the red cord not connected with the signal cord in place))
our pneumatics is fully functional we tested it before connecting it with our robot!!
we are using wind river c++
and this is our code for starting the compressor

#include "WPILib.h"
#define GRAY_AREA 0.06  //The area that human hand may commit an error in .
#define MIN_SPEED 0.1 //the min speed that the wheels may get while turning.
#define INVERT -1 //invertieng a positive value to a neg value.
#define ANGLE2SPEED 0.06 // to convert Gyro angles to motor speed since angle is -30 to 30 and speed from -1 to 1 
#define MAXSPEEDGYRO 0.7 // max speed in gyro mood before inverting correction from left to right 
#define MAX 1 //MAX speed for the elec shooter.
#include "Gyro.h"
#include "Joystick.h"
#include "Compressor.h"
#include "DriverStation.h"
#include "PWM.h"
#include "Solenoid.h"
#include "Jaguar.h"
#include "Victor.h"

 * This is a demo program showing the use of the RobotBase class.
 * The SimpleRobot class is the base of a robot application that will automatically call your
 * Autonomous and OperatorControl methods at the right time as controlled by the switches on
 * the driver station or the field controls.
class RobotDemo : public SimpleRobot
	//RobotDrive myRobot; // robot drive system
	//Joystick stick; // only joystick
			Jaguar FL;//FrontLeft motor.
			Jaguar FR;//FrontRight motor.
			Jaguar RL;//RearLeft motor.
			Jaguar RR;//RearRight motor.
			RobotDrive myRobot; // Robot drive system
			Joystick Rightstick; // driving joystick
			Joystick Leftstick; // shooter+hangr stick
			float rSpeed,lSpeed;
			float spinspeed;
			Compressor mycomp;//c
			Solenoid gripper_o;
			Solenoid gripper_c;
			Victor spin;
		//myRobot(1, 2),	// these must be initialized in the same order
		//stick(1)		// as they are declared above.
				myRobot(&FL, &FR,&RL,&RR),	// These must be initialized in the same order.

However, every time we try to start the robot the compressor doesn’t stop and the pressure switch regulator stops at 90 psi??

We are really confused

You more than likely have a leak in your system. That’s why you never get over 90psi.

It certainly sounds like the pressure sensor is doing it’s job correctly.

Check your regulator. It could be:

  • set to 90 psi (adjust the knob on it).
    *]plumbed backwards (there is an arrow on the back and only the high pressure tube show be going in the port by the back of the arrow).

When the pressure switch is correctly connected and using the sample code, it will not shut the compressor off until the high side pressure reaches about 125 psi. It is possible that you have a leak if your system cannot reach 125 psi. That leak can come from a badly cut pneumatic tubing, loose fittings, a improperly connected valve, a defective pressure vent valve or from an uncalibrated pressure relief valve on the compressor. Soapy water wiped at each pneumatic joint will quickly find a leak.

We did try to wipe the tubes with soapy water and we couldn’t find any leak , and we also changed the regulator and still we are having the same problem!! should we change the entire Pneumatic system ???

Does the robot hiss when the pneumatics are running? If so, follow the sound to where the leak is.

About adjusting the regulator how can we do that exactly???

Check the output ports of your solenoid valves and the output of the vent valve with the soapy water. Some times the valves leak. If you do not have the working pressure set, some valves will not “seat”. Some of them require at least 30 psi to work right. If you are still having a hard time, try isolating runs and see if the pump works correctly. This is easily accomplished by bending tubing in half to close it off.

The regulator has a large black knob that you twist to adjust the pressure setting. It needs to be pulled/pushed to unlock it, or there may be a locking ring that needs to be pulled out to make adjustments, then pushed back in to lock the setting.

Adjust it while the pressure is flowing.