Print message to Driver Station in C++

I remember when I used Labview I could easily print a message to the Driver Station. This was really useful for debugging and such, but I can’t find a way to do it in C++ (I’m still new, our team has never done it before). Does anyone know of an easy way? Thanks!

There doesn’t seem to be anything in Java this year either. DriverStationLCD class seems to be just… gone. and DriverStation class has about zero practical methods (it allows you to find out which alliance you’re on…)

The Driver Station doesn’t display messages from any language this year. See and

My team posted live feed to the driver station using these bits of code:

#include "DriverStation.h"
#include "NetworkTables/NetworkTable.h"

UserDisplay -> Clear();
UserDisplay -> Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, "Shooter Counter %d", (int)ShooterCounter));
UserDisplay -> UpdateLCD();

UserDisplay -> Clear();
UserDisplay -> UpdateLCD();
SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Shooter Delay", ShooterCounter);

We might have cleared and updated the LCD a bit to much. We used this to see the delay for shooting our ball. This was code was used in updating out 2012 robot. The delay was for the time it took our motors to get up to speed.