
I am currently using a Vex robotics system with EasyC and will be transferring over to MPlabs soon. In either case, I am aware of the PrintToScreen routine that is provided with EasyC that will display output to the IFI Terminal window. However, I have been told that the routine takes up to 20msec to execute which significantly impacts its ability as a debugging tool for timing issues (Heizenberg’s Uncertainty Principle).

Are there any other more direct forms of printf that can be used, perhaps with a terminal window other than the IFI terminal window?

As my team moves forward with more complex programming challenges, the ability to effectively debug the system will hinge on having a reliable, well understood approach.


If you are debugging something critical to timing, I recommend an alternative method. The last 4 PWMs in CCM mode and digital outputs come to mind.

I can vouch for the PWM method. I used them to test interrupts attached to wheel encoders. Toggle them on interrupt handling. We hooked an oscilloscope up to the PWM pin and the encoder, and the wave forms synced up nicely.