Problem deploying Java code

When deploying, I get this set of errors:

admin @ roborio-358-FRC.local: Connected.
Reason: InvalidImageException
RoboRIO Image invalid! RoboRIO: 2019_v13, allowed: [2018_v16, 2018_v17, 2018_v18]
admin @ Connected.
Reason: InvalidImageException

I understand that the image doesn’t match, but I’m not sure how to fix this.

Are you using the alpha version of GradleRIO or using Eclipse? You need to upgrade to the 2019 suite of tools. See for installation instructions. For Eclipse, there’s a project upgrade tool; if you’re using the alpha version of GradleRIO, you will need to create a new project and copy your code in manually.

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I updated to the 2019 Suite of tools recently, but made my current project over the summer to try and “get some work done”. I’ll copy my code now. Thank you.