Problem imaging rio 2

I am trying to image the sd card image for our rio 2 to update it to 2024 but whenever I plug my laptop into the rio windows tells me that the usb device malfunctioned and the roborio imaging tool will not detect the rio (thus I can’t set the team number) What might I be doing wrong?

You need to put image on the SDCARD using balena etcher or similar. You do not use RoboRIO imaging tool with Rio2, except setting team number.

I am aware. This is what I am doing.

Do you get all the right lights on the Rio? If SDCARD is not all the way in, you would have less lights than usual, and the computer will not see Rio.
Last season we had SDCARD literally popping out at the end of the match. Was pretty hard to troubleshoot, because we did not know what to expect

the power and rsl lights are currently on
when booting the status light lights up as expected

Ok! Re: image - you’re sure you used the v2 image, I assume? Is Rio PINGable from a laptop at all? Do you get an IP on the Rio-connected interface?

if I do not have the sd card in the rio when I boot it, the power light will turn on and the status will blink (unrecoverable)

if the sd card is inserted when it boots the power and status will be on and the status will be on for around 20 seconds. and will turn off

I have re-imaged once already. So far as I know I am grabbing the rio 2 image. am currently using the file from the SD images folder

Hm… To check that it’s not Rio itself, you can re-flash with 2023 image and see if it works fine. If so, reflash 2024 one and see if the issue comes back.

am currently trying imaging with a different computer. after that I’ll try and track down the 2023 image

If you install NI 2023 tools, you should get the old image as well.

that involves having good enough internet to download it before the meeting ends…

The way I set the team number was connecting a radio to the roborio and then connecting my computer to the radio. Both the radio and roborio were powered on. I then opened Roborio Imaging Tool to set the team number.

Try that and see if that works. It might have just been the way you were setting the team number. Note that’s the way I actually set the number, the process might have additional ways to do it.

try with a usb-B cable (arduino cable). when i tried to image my team roborio we needed to make that way

Are you using roborio 1.0? Roborio 1.0 would be direct imaging.

i mean to change the team number, because a image the roborio with the balena echer, inserted the sd in the RIO, put power on and use a cable to set team number with the roboRIO imaging tool as it is said in the First Website

Reading through, it mentions “and connect to the robot”. I assume both ways would work in that case?

pretty sure I tried that but maybe not thoroughly enough (have been using printer/arduino cable to try before)

i use this metod because its less reliable on wireless conection (more chances of data loss or something like that), and its a second way of doing it. Like, if a methot doesn’t work we use another one

Have you tried a new SD card?