Problem imaging the roboRIO

Hello everyone, we are having trouble imaging the roboRIO. We managed to update the firmware using a browser but the imaging tool displays this message. Did anyone else experienced this problem and knows how to solve it?



Restart the roboRIO. Worked for me.

I experienced this problem also, while imaging 2 differet robotRIOs, for 2 different teams, while using the same laptop.

First time, no problems (although the imaging itself takes a LONG time, and there doesn’t appear to be a progress bar so I can’t tell if its frozen), great.

Moved to the next roboRIO, and encountered that error. I had to close the imaging program, disconnect from the roboRIO (I was using USB), restart the roboRIO, plug the USB cable back in, wait a minute to make sure the device drivers installed, then turn the roboRIO back on.

Basically- Restart the roboRIO. I actually did a full power cycle, not just hitting the reset button.

First time, no problems (although the imaging itself takes a LONG time, and there doesn’t appear to be a progress bar so I can’t tell if its frozen), great.

takes less than the crio did :open_mouth: and old crio didnt have a progress bar either (though in total its longer since we have to load the JRE now)

That is true, the old cRIO (both the 8 and 4 slot) did take a bit of time.

I guess I just like having progress bars, or something so I know the program didn’t freeze.

I have noticed that I can cause the program to freeze (Have to close it via task manager) if I unplug the USB cable while it is connected to the roboRIO. (Haven’t tried to do it WHILE imaging, I don’t feel like bricking the roboRIO just yet… :wink: )

We tried both things and even safe mode. Sadly, none of them worked. Any other ideas?

Try a different computer if you can.

We had the same problem with our roboRIO using a toshiba laptop. So we tried doing imaging from our classmate and it worked fine. Originally we were using a toshiba laptop running windows 8. Every time we plugged in usb or powered on the roboRIO we got a popup on laptop referring to something about ‘toshiba sleep/power mgmt’. It didn’t occur to us that perhaps this msg was indicating the roboRIO drivers were not getting installed correctly for awhile. On the classmate (windows 7) as soon as we plugged in the roboRIO we saw msgs about NI/USBLAN driver being installed.

Check the power settings of your Toshiba, specifically the Toshiba power management settings. I can’t imagine those would interfere, but you never know. It’s more likely the culprit was Windows 8.

We had issues with people on Windows 8. 8.1 worked better, and Windows 7 worked fine.

(For reference, I have a Toshiba Satellite P855-S5200, running Windows 7, but I disabled all the Toshiba power management, and just use the built-in Windows power management.)

If you really can’t find anything try checking your computer’s IPV4 setting on the Ethernet port and make sure that the IP address is set to auto and not some other random address.
Not sure if this will help at all but it solved the problem for us. :]

Has anyone else had better success with this? I running on a win 8.1 system, and have tried all of the various suggestions except for a different computer (that’s next).