I am getting an error downloading while installing the Robot Java Development plugin from the repository at http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/roborio/release/eclipse/. I am trying to install it within Eclipse. I get this error during the install process:
and the install fails. Is there any reason the repository would be unreadable? I have gotten the same error on 2 computers. I am running jdk 8u25 on both computers, one x64 and one x32 with both C/C++ and Java development tools installed on Eclipse. One Windows 7 the other Windows 8. Is it possible I just attempted to download when the server was down?
Do you have a firewall or proxy that is blocking the download? Can you download the file manually? http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/roborio/release/eclipse/plugins/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.plugins.core_0.1.0.201501170231.jar