I have just updated my libraries to fit the 2018 season WPILib library and I have come to a problem.
When calling the set() method in the CANTalon, I get the following error: The type edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CANSpeedController cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.
How can I fix that? I tried reinstalling Eclipse, the WPILib library and the CTR-E Toolsuite.
See the What’s New? page – CANTalon was renamed to TalonSRX in both WPILib and the CTRE libraries.
You need the CTRE Phoenix software, which I don’t think is released yet. Note that it has many changes, so read the documentation carefully.
Would adding back in the CANSpeedController.h file be against the rules? I’m highly dislike the update and am trying to find a way to get around it.
You could write a wrapper. I’d also suggest learning. Many of the changes are for the better.
With some digging, it appears that WPI_TalonSRX is the class that inherits SpeedController and therefore can be used with SpeedControllerGroup and therefore DifferentialDrive and others.