I have a problem trying to compile a project in Eclipse, when I try to compile the code, nothing happens, and if there are some errors in the code nothing happens aswell, and it says no error.
when I`ve created the project I have selected “Microchip Embedded Systems” as the type of the project, and selected “FRC 18f8722 WPILib Robot toolchain” on the listbox.
how can I normally build the project?
by the way, is there a way to pass the code to the chip using Eclipse like ifi loader does?
We used Eclipse and WPILib this year. It sounds like you have things set up properly, make sure you save your source code. Eclipse will not compile changes that have not been saved.
One thing to try might be to right click on the project and clean it. This will remove object files and cause the entire project to be re-built next time.
There isn’t a way, to my knowledge, to have Eclipse load the hex file to the controller. We used IFI loader.
The .hex file should be in a folder within your project folder. For example, if you were compiling using WPILib for an FRC controller, the .hex file would be in a folder called “FRC 18f8722 WPILib Robot”. This would be a little different for a VEX controller.