Problem with freezing frames in LabVIEW

We downloaded the file from 1/17/06 per your instructions. We are still having problems with the grab frame. On occasion, we get a picture. Most times we get a white screen. If we get lucky and get a picture, when we try to grab a new frame, all the camera lights blink as they are supposed to, but we never get a new frame. The download bar just keeps repeating over and over. (this is the same problem as when we get a white frame to start with).

We have been conscious of power supplies, connections etc,. and our camera works fine with last year GUI.

Any thoughts on correcting our problem would be appreciated.

We see a similar problem. We start Labview, power up the camera, select the COM port, and select Grab Frame. The green Download Progress bar advances and the red LED blinks. Usually the Frame Grab window shows a frame; sometimes only a white screen. The red LED shuts off. Periodically the green Download Progress bar advances, but with no red LED blinking and no new frame shown. We select the Grab Frame button, and it grays out.

The manual servo controls move the camera gimbals if we move them before selecting Grab Frame; after, the controls move, but the gimbals do not.

Apparently the PC loses communication with the camera after it tries to collect the first frame.

How do we fix this problem?


Try the test version of the CMUCam2 App here and let me know what your results are. I’m not able to reproduce the behavior you guys are seeing on my hardware so I need your feedback to get this thing working for you.

Good Luck!