Problem with Talon SRX CAN

I am trying to change the ID on my talon SRX to match our program… I have a few issues…

1- Not all of them are showing on the web tool… only 8 and i should have 12…

2- One of them i check the Light Device LED and the PDP led are flashing instead of a Talon… The picture on the left is showing a Talon SRX, first line says Talon SRX and second line shows PDP…

If you can’t find them all in problem 1 or are getting confusing results like you have in 2, the simple solution is to remove all but one at a time (or at least a much smaller set than 12). Divide and conquer!

I recommend you read through section 2.2. Common ID Talons in our Talon SRX Software Reference Manual.

Alternatively you can isolate each Talon and ID them (as GeeTwo suggested).

Thank you guys !!! it works…

Just a follow up, when you put multiple brand new talon SRX’s on the can bus they all have the same default can ID (1 IIRC) so when you look at the web tool you only see one.

What we do is we change the ID of 1 to something else, then refresh, and another 1 shows up in the web UI.

Then we use the test functionality to identify which one is which, and then name them in the web UI, as well as label the CAN id on the bot.

Hope that helps.

that’s exactly what happened… we bought extra for bot#2 and I could not see the new controller… I did as you explained, change ID and then refresh and after a while everything was showing.