During matches we are unable to get any output from GRIP(contour report), however we are managing to connect fine on the practice field.
On the game field we are able to get camera feed using smart dashboard “simple camera viewer” but we are unable to get any GRIP output using the Smart Dashboard GRIP widget. We have asked the technical helpers here and they are unable to help us.
We are using a .local camera address rather than a static IP, as instructed by the people at our event. We have no issues using GRIP at our pit, the practice area, or our workshop. It only fails when on the game field.
We would greatly appreciate any advice from other teams using GRIP or who have any ideas. We are desperate to make this work so we can use our vision code. Thank you!
My first thought would be to make sure that you are using a port that is allowed through the FMS. Look in Section 2.4 of the Game Manual in the Arena section.
Section 4.10 R60 Communication between the ROBOT and the OPERATOR CONSOLE is restricted as follows:
A. Network Ports:
i. TCP 1180: Camera data from the roboRIO to the Driver Station (DS) when the camera is connected the roboRIO via USB, bi-directional.
ii. TCP 1735: SmartDashboard, bi-directional
iii. UDP 1130: Dashboard-to-ROBOT control data, uni-directional
iv. UDP 1140: ROBOT-to-Dashboard status data, uni-directional
v. HTTP 80: Camera connected via switch on the ROBOT, bi-directional
vi. HTTP 443: Camera connected via switch on the ROBOT, bi-directional
vii. UDP/TCP 554: Real-Time Streaming Protocol for h.264 camera streaming, bidirectional
viii. UDP/TCP 5800-5810: Team Use, bi-directional
Teams may use these ports as they wish if they do not employ them as outlined above (i.e. TCP 1180 can be used to pass data back and forth between the ROBOT and the DS if the Team chooses not to use the camera on USB).
What we do is put the camera on a static IP address, 10.XX.XX.11 (where XX.XX is team number). Then the RoboRIO is set to 10.XX.XX.2, and the computer is set to 10.XX.XX.5. This allows you to view the camera stream through the FMS and on the practice field.
I’ll freely admit knowing nothing about GRIP, but when I looked it up recently for another question to try to learn, I saw that in the command line you can specify a port. If it gives you that option, there is the possibility that it was specified to be non-standard. That is the crux of my suggestion to make sure the port being used is one that the FMS will pass through the router to the DS.