Since Inventor requires NT architecture, I made an attempt to install a partition running Windows XP to my machine using Partition Magic 7. When I tried to resize my current Fat32 partition, the program failed with an error that I was out of resources which I couldn’t have been… Has anyone had any issues like this? If so, is there a way I can get partition magic to work? I really don’t want to lose Win98 and I don’t want to have to reformat to use the built-in XP partition software…
Why don’t you make a new partition (of any file format) move all your important files over, and upgrade to 2000/XP? it really is worth the upgrade from 98. it fixes a ton of bugs, but i’m not gonna list them all because there is no way one man could remember them all. anyhow, just use partition magic to make a new partition, move your files over, and upgrade your windows using the existing partition.
i wouldn’t recommend resizing a partition if at all possible…it can easily corrupt it (even though it’s not common for that to happen…it is possible…and has happened to me)
It could have something to do with C-Dilla, the licensing system used with Autodesk products. We had a heck of a time trying to get 3dsmax 5 to run on a win 2k computer without full admin privleges. We didn’t try inventor until after we bought our own computer so we could have admin rights, then it worked fine. We also haven’t had running other copies (that we won’t discuss) on WinXP machines, but none of us use Partition Magic.
You could try uninstalling C-Dilla to see if it is causing the problem. (Do this from Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs) However, BE WARNED THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO REINSTALL C-DILLA AND REAUTHORIZE INVENTOR AFTERWARDS FOR INVENTOR OR 3DSMAX TO WORK.
*Originally posted by Jeremy_Mc *
i wouldn’t recommend resizing a partition if at all possible…it can easily corrupt it (even though it’s not common for that to happen…it is possible…and has happened to me)
I guess I didn’t give enough info in my last post, sorry about that… My fat32 partition was resizing as part of a 3-part creation of a new partition for XP. When you do “Create New Partition” in Partition Magic 7, it first resizes, then reallocates, then (optional) sets the partition as active. It gave me the “Out Of Resources” message at 15% of the “checking” stage of part one (before the actual resize). I tried checking online for an answer but couldn’t come up with much. At least it didn’t fail after starting the resize…that could be disasterous…
I was thinking about just doing a complete upgrade to XP but then I thought about software compatibility issues. Some of my software might not be compatible with NT architecture (mainly Half-Life)… By the way, do you happen to know if Half-Life works in XP?
I just installed it on XP without any issues. I did not do a thing special and it works just fine…
I did have a issue with Cdilla and 3DSmax 4.2 but not with 5.0 nor with Inventor 5.0 for that matter.
Make sure that you have the the latest Service Pack update and the you have NTFS as your file system (this is the recommended default for XP…
Good Luck.
we use half life on windows xp at school and i run it here too…it works fine.
Windows XP is the best thing to ever happen to me. I’ve yet to meet a program that wouldn’t run under it… I still play the original MS-DOS version of Doom 2 reasonably well… WinXP fixes all your problems. I also don’t think it requires a wipe. It didn’t when I upgraded from Home to Pro, and no other version of windows has ever required me to wipe during a totally-different-version upgrade…
*Originally posted by Ryan Meador *
**Windows XP is the best thing to ever happen to me. I’ve yet to meet a program that wouldn’t run under it… I still play the original MS-DOS version of Doom 2 reasonably well… WinXP fixes all your problems. I also don’t think it requires a wipe. It didn’t when I upgraded from Home to Pro, and no other version of windows has ever required me to wipe during a totally-different-version upgrade… **
…While WinXP is great and much more stable than previous versions it has a lot of compatibiliy issues. I don’t know what kind of stuff you run, but I’ve had a lot of compatibility issues, even with the “compatibility mode” function XP features. I just wish software companies would be smart enough to make their programs compatible with XP. Half-Life however works just fine
Well, after much debate, I decided to go with the “normal” upgrade to XP Pro seeing as Partition Magic was putting up quite a fight… So far I haven’t really run into any problems at all other than the inability to eliminate the logon prompt/screen and I’m proud to say that I have been successfully running .NET, Inventor, and Half-Life for a few days now. The only thing that distresses me is that it is quite hard to get the voice recognition SDK for XP from Microsoft…