anyone having problems signing into AOL? I thought I may have had a problem with my password, but I cant get on with multiple screen names. Maybe its just me…
anyone having problems signing into AOL? I thought I may have had a problem with my password, but I cant get on with multiple screen names. Maybe its just me…
It’s taking me several trys to get onto AIM through Trillian.
I had thought it was just AOL trying to block out trillian users again, but I guess its something else.
I was getting errors signing on that said something to the effect of: fatal error (invalid FLAP header) and such nonsense.
So I guess it’s just AOL being silly.
-Andy A.
Most likely it was a server overload… happens now and then.
I found out what it was, my mom (computer illiterate) somehow convinced AOL she was a spammer by sending out the same email a bunch of times to everyone in her address book accidentally, so they froze our account until we called in and resolved it
AOL totally rocks (dripping in sarcasm).
So far, I can’t sign onto AOL on my laptop unless I load the software each and every single time.
They have made my sn the master sn, just been clicking some stupid advertisement accidentally.
haha…yes…aol bites…i believe that the name of aol/time warner is changing again too, which will most likely mean a change in the aol software. But i’ve been having trouble with getting my mail, sending my mail, and switching screen names. haha (sarcastically) can’t wait for that new v.10.0 software to suck too!