We have several descrete vi’s to move 180 degree servos. Everything works fine when a descrete function is mapped to a game controller button. However when the code is placed in the respective parts of the template by “generating code” when a button is pressed to move one motor other motors move in addition.
We can’t figure it out. Any insight would be very welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Showing us your code would help us help you figure out what’s going on.
Attached is our teleoptank.vi. thank you for your quick response I’m taking the day off of work to try to resolve this issue
teleoptank.vi (66.7 KB)
teleoptank.vi (66.7 KB)
I don’t know FTC programming, so I don’t know how much help I’m going to be. I hope someone else will be able to chime in with useful advice.
What I see from this program is that buttons 1, 2, and 4 on Controller 2 will all cause servos 1 and 2 to change position. Buttons 5 and 7 on Controller 1 drive in different directions at power 75. POV up on Controller 2 zeros servo 3.
If this isn’t what you want to happen, something isn’t set up right.
Thank you for the feedback. Your interpretation is correct. Unfortunately, servo 3 moves when servo 1 and 2 are being commanded.