Problems with a pin...

When we were hooking stuff into the robot, we kinda ran out of pins to use (yeah, we have a lot of electrical stuff… ), and of course digital input 14 went out. Umm… we’ve tried lots of stuff… and we really do need that input! Anyone have any ideas on how to remedy this? In lieu of that, ideas on connecting multiple inputs to the same input pin? Thinking custom circuits right now…

When you say, ‘went out’ what do you mean exactly?

-Andy A.

not working. never worked. umm… stick a switch on there and no workee it. connect switch that works on other input no work on this input. And… here’s the kicker! The wiring between the switch and the controller is sound as well (multi-meter: dont leave home without it!). So, yeah, no dibs. It plain doesn’t work.