Problems with Kevin's 2007 default code

Ya so when we upload Kevin’s new 2007 code to the robot controller, we would get all green lights, but nothing would work. Anybody having the same problem/ have any suggestions.

Did you download the new master code as well? (And were you either connected with radio or through tether?)

And what exactly isn’t working?

Well we think we might have it figured otu but is it risky to change the master code. And we were looking at the posts that talked about PWMs 13-16 and think that may have also been a problem

Changing the Master code is a matter of following the instructions that are on IFI’s website somewhere and installing the code they give you.

Nothing works because by defaults kevins code doesnt call Default_Routine()… call default routine in the main loop and everything will work fine…

Be careful, I believe his code is configured to use the PWM 1 and 2 for the camera servos. Change that before you enable the default routine.

That reminds me, wasn’t the input for PWM01 and 02 p1_y and p2_y? Then how do the servos work??

okay that helps. Will try to call the code.

if you look in the Tracking.h then you will see what pwmXX is labeled to the PAN_Servo and the TILT_Servo defines.

If they are pwm01 and pwm02 then you will have serious problems if you have the camera on while trying to drive the joysticks.

Just change the pan and tilt pwms…look into the ifialiases.h to get some better understanding.