Problems with pneumatic

So I am a first year programmer for our team and I am having some trouble with the pneumatics in our system. We program using FRC vscode and I have written the code using resources available to me and my limited knowledge of coding. Problem: Our pcm status light is on but the compressor will never kick on. I declared a double solenoid in our programming and declared the right can ports (0,1).


 public static final int THEARM_PITCH_SOLENOID_DEPLOY = 0;
  public static final int THEARM_PITCH_SOLENOID_RETRACT =1;

My subsystem named “Thearm”

  DoubleSolenoid pitchsolenoid = null;

  public Thearm() {
    pitchsolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.THEARM_PITCH_SOLENOID_DEPLOY, RobotMap.THEARM_PITCH_SOLENOID_RETRACT);

  public void pitchup() {

  public void pitchdown() {

  public void shiftlow() {

Armdown command:

public class armdown extends InstantCommand {
  public armdown() {


  protected void initialize() {


armup command:

public class armup extends InstantCommand {
  public armup() {


  protected void initialize() {

and then I mapped the commands to my joystick:

 public OI() {
    D1.whenPressed(new armup());
    D2.whenPressed(new armdown());

I also declared my subsystem here:

  public void robotInit() {
    m_Thearm = new Thearm();
    m_oi = new OI();

If you guys have and advice as to what the problem is please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated.

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Compressor will not turn on