Problems with Roborio 2.0 with 2025 image

Hey everyone, me and my team have experienced some problems today with our Roborio 2.0. We started by flashing the sd card with the new 2025 image downloaded from the NI package manager. This went without problems. The problems start when we turn on the robot and connect to the radio, usually when connecting to the radio you should be able to upload your robot code to the robot. And also connect to your robot via the driverstation. Our problem was that we can connect to the wifi network (radio) but it would give the error in vscode: couldnt find roborio and in the driverstation radio → good, roborio → bad. We changed the ethernet cables between our radio and roborio but this had no effect. The lights on the roborio were all off except for power (green) and RSL (orange). Is there anyone that knows if we did something wrong or how we can fix this?
Thanks, Team 7333, Ghost Robotics

Did you follow all the steps here? Imaging your roboRIO 2 — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation

In particular, you didn’t mention setting the team number.

Yeah, I think we forgot setting the team number, that should be the problem then. Thanks!

Where did you get the 2025 image?

NI package manager, it isnt an update you have to search for frc game tools again and install it again to get the image