problems with small Crio

We got a new 4-slot Crio this year but its been acting weird. We constantly have to reimage the Crio because we will stop being able to connect to it, but everytime we lose connection reimaging fixes the problem temporarily. Has anyone else had this problem or know a way to fix it?

Stupid question, but are you running CAN?

Does the problem show up when you try to download new code AFTER you’ve downloaded code at least once?

We are not running CAN and the problem doesn’t happen after any recognizable pattern. it may be the first time we deploy code to it or the 5th, it doesn’t matter.

Check that your cRio is electrically isolated from ground. I recall reading a similar problem a week ago and it was caused by a bolt holding the cRio grounding it to the frame.

What’s the CPU load as reported by the Driver Station?

I’m guessing that you’re using 100% or close to 100% CPU. This used to be very common when teams would use the whole CPU, as the bootloader (which runs in a lower priority) would not be able to run (thus you become unable to download code, at least in LabVIEW).

We used to fix it by flipping the “No App” DIP switch, rebooting, downloading, then un-flipping the switch and rebooting again. However, with the lack of DIP switches, we will be out of luck.

I am another programmer on Lemonzaps team, and I suspect this might well have been the problem. The board we were using has since been dismantled, but I will make sure that the new board won’t have that issue.

Hope that was the problem!

I talked to rob and he pointed out that “our electronics board was on polycarbonate so it couldnt have been the problem.”