Hi there, we’ve been search around on ways to use our limelight camera to pick up and identify April tags, however, we’ve had no success. Does anyone know the best way to pick up AT using limelight? Thanks!
Hello! One option is Photonvision (disclaimer: I write code for photon often). Feel free to ping me with any questions you might have!
Sorry, our original title isn’t very specific to our situation. We are currently using Photonvision, and we already downloaded the firmware on the computer and limelight. We can use Photonvision on the computer’s camera, but we’ve been unable to connect to the robot. We havent found any guide with anything on connecting. Any suggestions?
Hi, let me see if I understand your situation.
You installed the limelight image on the limelight, and you installed the Windows version of PhotonVision on the computer.
You’re running the Windows version from your computer terminal and you can see the localhost:5800
interface with the computer’s camera stream.
That’s correct
Okay. So Photonvision is designed to be installed on the device that actually has the camera. So if your robot is on right now and you’re connected to its wifi network from the computer, you should be able to visit photonvision.local:5800
and see the Photon interface that the Limelight is running.
Okay, so we’re not in the shop currently, but when we get back we’ll check that out. Typically, however, when we connect to the robot and open up the pipeline building page, it says there’s no robot connected.
It sounds like you are at this step…
If you cannot find the pi at the address, you shuold be able to try bypassing the rio and connecting to the pi directly.
Ahh yes this looks like something we haven’t done yet. I’ll give this a shot and get back to you on whether it worked or not. Thanks!
Yeah, there is some disconnect between our intentions in the documentation and how its been interpreted by users that we’ve seen a few times now. We’ll work to update our documentation soon so this is clearer and happens less often.
Are there any things you wish you saw / read that you think would’ve guided you the right way?
PhotonVision is working option. The LimeLight firmware should be out soon. The links are on the web page but as the writing on this post they are not live yet.
Limelight 1, 2, 2+ Firmware download is live
Thank you all for the help. We’ll circle back later if we need any help!
We’ve been following the steps for connecting the limelight to Photonvision on the Networking section of the documentation. The doc says to change the IP of the coprocessor in the settings section of Photovision, but it doesn’t show up for us. We think this is resulting in our difficulties with connecting to the robot on Photonvision (even though every other software seems to have no problems).
This is what the documentation shows.
Here is what shows up for us.
Do you have any suggestions for fixing this issue. Additionally, do you have any tips for robot connection to Photonvision?
What hardware are you running this on?
I need a full screenshot of setting page.
In that first photo, you’re setting the IP to one for a different team. The subnet is based on team number. 10.TE.AM.x
, i.e. 10.29.74.x
for my team, or 10.41.35.x
for your team
The first photo is from the documentation, how to set the IP. The second photo is what shows up for us.
Ah I see. As mdurrani asked, can you post a full screenshot from the settings page? And give us information on your network setup and hardware.
Here’s a full screenshot of the settings page. We are running on Windows 11. We are trying to connect to our robot with a limelight 2+ and a roborio 1.
Ah. That’s your issue.
Follow the limelight installation docs to install PV on your limelight itself. Then try again.
You can just open the web dash on any computer that’s on the same network as your limelight. You don’t need to install photonvision on it.
Our new docs should make this clear.
To further expand on Mohammad’s answer: PhotonVision is intended to run on a coprocessor (e.g. a Limelight or Raspberry Pi). You only connect to the web dashboard on your laptop; you don’t have to install PhotonVision on your laptop itself. PhotonVision does run on Windows, as you’ve discovered, but mostly for development purposes. Follow this docs page for the Limelight install instructions.