I know that there is a ProEngineer for Unix, does anyone know where I can get the install files? I run Ubuntu 64-bit on my home computer as my main OS, and have been very frustrated that I had to install windows in order to use CAD at home. I know that a Linux version exists, but I cannot find the install files through any legitimate means. Does anyone have a link?
There are both UNIX and Linux versions, and for several architectures.
Wildfire 5.0 was just released (but if past versions are any indication, a lot of moderately annoying bugs will be caught in the next few datecodes). Both WF 4.0 and WF 3.0 are stable, supported and available. So you could definitely go with the UNIX or Linux versions of one of those, if you don’t care about having the latest version. (The Linux version has been discontinued for Pro/E Wildfire 4.0 and above. Also, as of Wildfire 5.0 the more esoteric UNIX ones are gone as well: Solaris on SPARC and HP-UX on PA-RISC. So for WF 5.0, the only supported UNIX configuration is Solaris 10 on x86-64.)
The Student Edition is only compiled for Windows, as far as I know, but I suspect that any of the versions which can accept licence files ought to be able to run as Schools Edition (or University Edition, or Commercial Edition). So, assuming it’s Schools Edition you’re looking for, I’d say it’s worth contacting Mark Fischer ([email protected]) and asking if he can make those versions available to your team.
Thank you very much. I would like to have the most up to date version, though it’s not imperative. This is only to evaluate ProE so that we may use it next year. It’s a little late for our CAD team to start a new software. I may now have to start using Solaris…
Hi, PTC only provides a Windows version of the Student Edition. No Linux. No UNIX. In fact we dropped support for Linux about 2 years ago due to low adoption and usage by our customers. Pro/ENGINEER Student Edition is only available for Wildfire 4.0. Support for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Student Edition will be released in the next 2-3 months.
Can you link this 5.0 student edition to me? On the FIRST Windchill site only some weird two-disk .iso is available for 32-bit version 4.0
PTC is still working on the Schools Edition of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 and plans to have it ready this summer. I don’t have an official release date yet, but I hope it will arrive soon. I’ll be sure to announce it as soon as it is available.
Also, is there an actual .exe installer? I have magically lost the ability to burn disks, so getting physical disks made would be a massive hassle.
They are posted as zip files, you unzip and run the .exe inside of them. No iso images to burn to disk.