Program Pnuematics

I have a Team Member who is needing help in Programming. One of his MAJOR problems is he does not know how to program Pnuematics. If you have any links that will help, or advice, please comment. I will have more post soon probably. All help is appreciated. Thank You.

What language?

There are examples of each we can direct you to.


It is in the c/java manual on the WPI website!

our programmer is using labview, by the way…

And Where Can i find that. Do you have a link

Sorry, solenoids don’t speak English.
You can talk at them, but they won’t answer except maybe to sigh…

There is a compressor example on the LabVIEW startup screen you can click on to see how it’s done.

:cool: What tools make the pneumatics change is pressure?:cool:


Thanks, Mark. We got it.

The trouble with the example is that it is setup as a stand-alone program.
It will need to be translated somewhat to fit it into this year’s default framework.

For instance, the compressor open and enabled should probably go in

The solenoid stuff belongs in or Autonomous

Let me know if your programmer needs more and I can knock out a few screenshots.

I’m pretty sure that you can only do so physically through the regulator, I hope someone can prove me wrong though. So in this case you would need to change in between matches, although you could hook up a servo to it, but you would have to gear it to allow multiple rotations.

One other way you could do this is use multiple regulators all being tied to the same piston with solenoids regulating each and fire different solenoids in order to send different pressures to the cylinder.

Another way you could do so would be to only turn the compressor on for a specified amount of time, but the problem with this would be the fact of how unreliable it would be in competition.

Our team is also using Labview to program.

We had trouble in programming the pneumatics in the beginning too, because we were using the compressor and Compressor for the compressor and the solenoid vis for the solenoid actuator. we weren’t able to get those vis to work properly, so we just replaced the Compressor vis and the Solenoid vis with Digital Output vis- that way we were able to set them true or false using a constant.

P.S.- we also used the Digital Input vis for the Pressure switch so the compressor turns off at ~115psi.


We will be programming in labview for the compressor control. If you could include some screen shots for guidance, that would be helpful.


Here are those screenshot examples. The autonomous certainly isn’t complete. In Auto the robot will turn to face the target, then kick. Of course there won’t be a ball there unless you do some more Auto work.

We have a page of screenshot examples from last year that might help some, but they haven’t been updated to the 2010 style yet. We’ll probably get to that this Sunday.



Thanks Mark!

Thanks that helped. but there is no way to control the psi with labview?

There isn’t any device that LabVIEW can control that adjusts the psi.
You can develop your own device, but some kind of device would be necessary.

Your webpage is very helpful, Mark. Thanks. I’m forwarding to our programmers.


In your telop example, is it necessary to reference Joystick 1 again and unbundle the buttons? Could you just use the other “Joystick Get” block that comes from the “Joystick Read” you have unbundled the axis off of?