Yeah. What is the command to set up a delay (like go forward for x seconds) ?
There is no single function through MPLAB, but there are several ways to accomplish what you want. The simplest is to just use a count of the slow radio packet loops as an approximation of time.
Here’s an example.
#define HOW_LONG 38 //38 = 1 second, e.g., 76 = 2 seconds
static int counter=0;
if (counter < HOW_LONG)
// Drive at half speed
pwm01 = 127 - 60;
pwm02 = 127 + 60;
// Stop driving
pwm01 = 127;
pwm02 = 127;
Another method is to setup an internal clock, but that’s more complex.
There’s a white paper on understanding timers here: