is there any way to programmed DC motor to certain degree???
You need a feedback sensor to do that.
Usually a potentiometer or an encoder depending on what rotations you want to allow the motor to have.
do they provide encoder sensor in kitof parts
Not inside the Kit totes.
You can get potentiometers at electrical supply places like Radio Shack.
can u help mw with this.i have servo but how to programmed that i tried everything but doesn’t work on servo can u help me please how to programmed servo i have all electical is good connected but the big problem is progrmming idk please help us…thanx
A servo needs a special jumper on the pair of pins right beside the PWM output the servo is connected to.
This picture (http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=9743&d=1295532854) shows two white jumpers on PWMS 1 and 2.
You can check your servo using Test mode on the Driver Station and the Test tab on the default Dashboard.
I tried same wiring with jupers and code still didnt work …
Check to make sure everything is plugged in and that the in the drivers station the joystick you are using is set as the first one in the list. Also make sure you’re referencing of the name is consistent throughout.