Hi we are a rookie team and we are just overwhelmed by labview and almost everything and we need help programming 24v DO relay on the CRIO with our joystick buttons. Can someone help us out or maybe point us in the right direction.
From the LabView Getting Started screen…look in the Examples section for a solenoid example. Remember, to use the 24v Festo you will have to use a Solenoid module in slot 7 or 8 and connect the power connector to the 24 v supply on the Power Distribution Board. You cannot use a Relay!
This is probably a dumb question. But after I modify the labview Solenoid example how do I get it saved in/under my main robot program for downloading to the cRio?
Rather than save the example under your Robot project, you probably want to want to open both and copy/paste the solenoid code into your source. The first thing to do is to open Begin where you’ll open and store the solenoid refnums.
Then in your code where you want to change the solenoid state, read the refnum and update the state by setting the solenoid, like in the example. Finally, in Finish, read and close.
Note that you may want to build a subVI that updates the state so that you can do it in different places in your program, auto, tele, etc.