Programming 6 CIM Drive - Talon SRX CAN

Does anyone have any advice for the best way to setup a 6 CIM drivetrain using CAN with Talon SRX speed controllers. We are looking to implement tank drive. With PWM we used to always just use the 4 motor version and then y the outputs of 1 set of pwms for each side.

From the way I see it we really have 3 options, just trying to figure out which is the best.

  1. Use both a 4 motor and 2 motor drive system and then feed the same values to both.

  2. Create our own code that is just 6 CAN speed controllers and feed the same values to them per side (since we are using tank this shouldn’t be too hard)

  3. Try and recreate the drive system code but in a 6 speed controller version.

Just wondering what other teams have done who have had this problem.

Mentor 5046

Use the two motor code and set two speed controllers to ‘slave’ mode to follow a third ‘master’ that’s driven by your code.

Here is a link to a complete example including how to configure encoders for use in the drivetrain too. Don’t be thrown off by the title, it goes beyond the basic setup, but it starts with that.

Checkout Section 16.33 in Talon SRX Software Reference Manual

Awesome thanks everyone. We meet again on Tuesday and will give these examples a go.