Programming a Third Joystick in Labview

Hello, my team consists of fairly new programmers and so we are struggling to get our program together. This year, my team wants to use 2 joysticks for driving the robot and another extra joystick that controls our shooter. Is there a way to do this? The 3rd joystick would be used to angle our shooter and release the ball to be shot. Please help!

The Driver Station supports up to four USB joysticks/game controllers. It also supports custom switches and analog inputs through a Cypress SoC.

Open the additional joysticks exactly as you see the first one done in, selecting USB2 or USB3 instead of USB1, and giving them unique names for the RefNum Set. Read them exactly as you see the first one being read in, providing the appropriate name to the RefNum Get. Close them exactly as you see the first one being closed in, again providing the appropriate RefNum name.