Can anyone tell me how to program a motor to a button in Java VScode?
Are you using the Command-based framework?
The new or old one?
We’re using VSCode 2020, so I assume new.
Have you read the documentation?
If you did, where got you confused?
I did look over the documentation and was able to write a working drive train. I assume programming a motor to a button would be similar to programming motors to joysticks?
shooterSubsystem.setDefaultCommand(new RunCommand(
() -> shooterSubsystem.shooterSpeed(driverController.getRawAxis(XboxConstants.LEFT_TRIGGER_AXIS)),
^ For a trigger on the main controller
new JoystickButton(auxDriverController, Button.kB.value).whenPressed(() -> intakeSubsystem.intakeSpeed(1.0))
.whenReleased(() -> intakeSubsystem.intakeSpeed(0.0));
^ for a button, you can also use the .whileHeld(IntakeCommand) to run whatever the command is continuously.
Thanks I was wondering how to have the motor on only when the button is pressed.
Sorry for the bad formatting but I think you know what should be in the back ticks lol.
Yes thank you
The way my team does it is we have a method in the subsystems that sets it to a value. And the execute method of it’s command sets it to a constant speed. In the constructor of configurebuttonbindings do this…
(ButtonObj).whileHeld(new command(subsystem);
whileHeld can be replaced with any other method depending on the properties.
Why do you create a new command there?
in robotContainer we have an instance of each subsystem and we use a new instance of the command and pass in its parameter that way, not sure if theres any difference to if we do it this way instead of creating a command object but it might have to do with the initialize and isfinished methods.
EDIT: also im just not very comfortable with lambdas as you seem to be doing.
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