I’m a realitivly new programmer and have been using easy C to program our robot this year. We did not use the camera this year but we are trying to experiment with it in the off season.
I was wondering if any teams programmed their robot with a camera using easy C and if so how you did so. What we want to do is determine the pan to adjust our drive train and then determine the tilt to determine how far we need to drive. If anyone could help, thanks in advance
1369/1902 used easyC to track the light with great success this year. Our camera was statically mounted and we tracked the height of the light and as we got closer it moved upward in the field of view. Once we got to a certain height in the field of view we knew we were at the correct distance to cap in autonomous.
If I remember we started with the 2007 kickoff demo code and worked from there.
good luck.
QC Elite used the camera for the first time this year, also with easyC. Although we did not score in auto at atlanta, we were the only team to score in auto at midwest. We mounted the camera using the pan tilt assy, and wrote a search routine similar to kevins. Once the camera found the light, it tracked it, and we then kept track of the servo outputs to the camera. We used the pan to drive the robot, and the tilt to tell when we were close enough. When the camera angle was high enough, the robot stopped and went through an unloading sequence. The distance worked, but we had a hard time driving the robot straight to the light.
Good luck,