Programming Case Structure for Kinect Code

I am trying to create a case structure in my Kinect Code that will check to see if a kinect is connected. If it is, it will run the TRUE code in the case structure running the Kinect Code and if FALSE it will run a different autonomous code. Does anybody know the block I would wire to the case structure allowing me to do this?

Most of the Kinect vi’s have a “success” output that should be usable for this.

According to the LabVIEW help, success means it got data from the kinect server (which implies it would return success even if the kinect isn’t plugged in). Have you tested the success flag with and without the kinect plugged in?

Another option would seem to be the Kinect Header vi which returns the number of players.

Good point, I looked at it early on, but don’t remember when success was true or when it was false.

players=0 sounds good.

Inspect the available outputs to see which one will work for you.

I believe it is the Kinect header that returns the Version String. A numeric value indicates that all is well and otherwise the string contains messages such as No Power.

Greg McKaskle