Programming data to be sent to the Dashboard

Hi, Everyone.

Has anyone figured out how to successfully send data to the dashboard. I’ve looked at all the posts concerning this topic and looked at the examples. The examples aren’t commented well and the posts just seem to send me in circles. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Does anyone have a sample code I could look at or point me to the MOST EFFICIENT topic to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

Depends on the type of data you are looking to send. I’ve run into problems getting both types of “standard” data to the dashboard.

If you are looking to get the standard default dashboard to update the PWM, solenoid, analog etc… readouts then you need to read this topic:

The key to getting the Dashboard example to work is to know that it isn’t useable out of the box. Some code needs to be uncommented, and then you have to be careful how fast you call the associated functions.

If you are wanting to send other data of your own choosing to the User Input section of the dashboard then you need the first 3 posts from this topic:

You can use the WPI User Guide to some extent though it could definitely use some page numbers, hyperlinks, and bookmarks. It’s a good start but I still find I’ve got to post questions here as well like you. :slight_smile:

Bunch of good people here, so hopefully if I didn’t get you answered to your satisfaction, someone else can.

Thanks for your help and advice. I’m getting a second wind (more like 23rd wind) so I’ll be really looking more in depth on this. :smiley: