Programming Error - Camera

Hello everybody! I have ran into quite a major error while trying to program some last parts of my robot before the upcoming competitions. In our camera VI there appears to be a pretty much unsolvable code error and I really am lost on how to fix it. I’ve tried looking at the NI Update Service for patches but, unfortunately, I have come to no avail. If anybody has experienced a similar issue and knows how to fix it, please do let me know.

Screenshots of what the issue looks like:

This goes for any example or anything I load that has to do with vision and cameras. That is just one of the blocks I looked through. They all lead to a similar error. If anyone has an answer please help.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Check the NI License Manager to see if Vision is marked properly, indicating that it has been Activated with your license code.

In fact, check that all the products have yellow boxes in the NI License Manager, as per the attached.

If Mark’s suggestion doesn’t solve the unsolvable problem, scroll to the top of the error list to find the items with a big red X next to them.

Those will be more useful in helping you figure out what’s wrong. The errors you’re listing are a string of “subVI not executable” which means the top level VI is broken because the VI it is calling is broken. The way you resolve this is to fix the subVI. In order to do this, we want to focus our efforts on the errors showing up in those VIs. They are the ones that will appear with the red X in the error list.

I suspect if you check those you’ll see something related to the VIs not being licensed. If that’s the problem, Mark’s fix is where you want to focus your efforts.

It was the licensing issue. Guess I didn’t expect that to be an issue. Thanks for the suggestion!