This year our team has had to go without a programming mentor or anyone with the knowledge of windriver and the c++ language.
This being a small problem, is not what this post is about.
This post is to ask for help with the camera and the tracking of the “target” above the hoop and get the drive to align with that.
We have had a rough year and we wouldn’t like it to end before it even begins.
I’m sorry to hear that, us without having a programming mentor either, is a hard position to be at. Did you even attempt to look at the “Rectangular Processing VI” in labview? It’s an frc example. That should help you get started, after integrating that in your code, you need to make a global variable called “Target Info,” which can tell you your x y and z coordinates, and wire it to your shooter code etc. I would know cause that’s exactly what I did. If, you really want, I can let you look at my code, but its in labview.
We also could use some help, but we are in labview. Our programming menor did not return this year. seems we scared him off last year. LOL. I have looked at the rectangular and followed the tutorial to add that to my code. When I try to run the code to see if it is working it doesnt get an image unless I change the word camera int he front panel to the camera IP address before running it. Is this correct? If this is correct how is it supposed to work when it is supposed to run with the other code when opperating your robot and not just the vision processing stand alone. I get the image on the dashboard when i run the full robot code, should i assume the vision processing vi is also working correctly even though i cant see it in this mode.
What am I supposed to do with the output from the vision processing code? Getting to this point is way above my programming head and I am not sure how to use this output to control the turret for our shooter or possibly use the information on distance to control our shooter speed.
I wouldn’t say vision tracking is necessary, it’s a big use of time without mentor help or previous experience. It wouldn’t be a efficient use of time. Plus you can do very well without it. I would suggest a lay up and key shot settings that work consistently and then just have your driver drive within those ranges and compensate when there’s a miss, you can still use the camera to help the drivers line themselves up.