Programming in Netbeans

We are a new team and we’ve been trying to learn how to program our robot so it can at least move…
Several of us have experience in other languages, however we’re still a bit lost on how to set it up with the joysticks. We are using Netbeans, here is what we have so far just from watching Youtube.

    public class Test extends IterativeRobot {
    Joystick driveStick = new Joystick(1);
    Joystick liftStick =  new Joystick(2);
    RobotDrive mainDrive = new RobotDrive(1, 2, 3, 4);
    public void robotInit() {
    public void autonomousPeriodic() {
    public void teleopPeriodic() {
    public void testPeriodic() {    

We want to get the robot to drive in Arcade mode with a single joystick, and use another single joystick for our lift system.

Does anyone have a good sample code that we can follow and be able to figure some stuff out?


Eclipse is the supported IDE this year, not Netbeans.

I would start out by following the instructions here: to install eclipse because Netbeans is no longer officially supported by FIRST.