Turns out I’ve been kind of silly and said that I would do all my programming this year in Vim. So now I’m wondering if there’s any way to push robot code from within vim.
Robot code is pushed using ftp (or scp, don’t have it in front of me)… so… yes?
Look into the build.xml file eclipse uses. For java at least it’s just using ant under the covers. Alternate option would be GradleRio in which case you’d have to shell out from VIM to that and run it. I’d be willing to bet there’s an easy way to do it. If not, TMUX is a thing that is totally awesome.
Thanks for the response! I’m already familiar with tmux, I was just wondering if there was a way to do it from inside vim. Thanks again!
VIM is a text editor… if you want a full blown operating system then use emacs like a filthy plebeian.*
Seriously though, write some scripts for deploying code.
*Someone’s going to get angry at me for this and I don’t care because chances are they use emacs.
“You must spread some reputation around before giving it to marshall again”
For reference, it was red.
Fight me.
It’s an old code, but it checks out:
–Ant is installed and on the system path
–You’re using Windows (but, the same concept should apply to your favorite *nix system)
–You’re using the 2016 libraries. Haven’t tested with anything later yet.
And here we see three programmers in their natural states— one asking questions, and two flaming over an arbitrary technical choice.
And such a good operating system, too. I’ve only ever found it to be missing one thing: a decent text editor
My code is compiling!
(But seriously OP, Marshall and I are snarking at each other but if anything is still unclear we can take this outside, I’ll have to check which of our states still have dueling laws on the books)
Don’t worry - we can meet up in Myrtle Beach and settle it there!
To be clear to the OP, Marshall, and Andrew, my comment was also being made in jest. I don’t really have anything further to add other than good luck to the OP, and have fun with that duel… I hear everything is legal in Jersey, but that might be a bit of a haul
Run Vim with this set of keybindings : Vimacs - Vim-Improved eMACS: Emacs emulation for Vim : vim online
With VIM, you can run shell commands from inside it using “:! ant -buildfile build.xml” if build.xml is in your current directory. You can also get a shell using “:sh” and resume editing by exiting the shell.
You can deploy by running the ant script in the parent directory:
ant -buildfile build.xml
I recommending mapping this to an alias in bash.
Actual picture of Kevin:
Can confirm. Can also confirm he can’t navigate and that 3 900 mentors and a pair of 323 mentors totally got stuck in a parking lot confused because of it. I’m blaming Kevin because if you ride shotgun you are navigator and in charge of music…
GradleRIO’s great, can confirm. Very nice to use and plays great cross platform with all IDEs, not just Eclipse.
Yeah, GradleRIO’s awesome. I don’t know if it fits the terms of what got yourself into, but IntelliJ has a plugin that adds the Vim keybindings.