Programming Vex 393 motor

Hello all,

As most of you know, we are allowed to use vex motors on the robot this year, and our team is trying to get this to work, however we are unable to get the motor to respond.

I have looked high and low on this forum looking for a definitive answer, but all I can seem to find is a response to similar questions stated in the following way.

“I would assume” or “I think” ,

and nothing definitive.

I have heard that you can control it just as a victor, servo, or even use a jaguar/victor. We have tried to control it as a victor in Labview with no response from the motor.

HARDWARE CONFIG: 2 wire 393 vex motor hooked up via the vex motor controller to a PWM port with a 6v jumper in place.

Is there anyone that HAS successfully ran a Vex motor off of the FRC Control system, and how did you program/wire it?

Any help would be a great assistance!
Thank you!

I have it running now on a PWM, jumper in place.

3-wire to Vex controller, 2-wire to vex motor.

Single motor, defined as a Victor.

Joystick control.

Why do vex motors / servos require a jumper?

The Vex Motor Controller (at least the one in the kit) is designed to draw it’s power off the PWM cable. The Jumper on the 2 pins next to the PWM header provide that power.