(Okay, first, I’m miffed that FIRST or Autodesk or whomever took the liberty of creating these accounts using our names. I know there are good reasons why this is positive and I know that 99.9999999% of the world doesn’t care. I do. It sucks for me.)
Now, with that said, what on Earth is ProjectPoint? I just installed it on my laptop and it’s saying my password is invalid or some such nonsense, but what I recall from using it on my desktop wasn’t that exciting.
What’s the purpose of it? Is is team-specific or is it like open-source CAD? I’m at a complete loss. Even if someone can point me to some documentation or something that just explains what its meant to do, that’d be peachy keen.
It isn’t a cad program at all, but rather an online collaboration tool. It allows you to upload documents (CAD drawings or other), modify them and track the revisions, send e-mails when they are revised, etc.
I looked it over a bit when I first got the e-mail and it seemed interesting, but I didn’t really have the time to explore it. Now that my password’s stopped working, I can’t look it over any further.
This is almost exactly what I was looking for from the kids on my team - as we need a way to effectively communicate and share information across 3000 miles. I wonder if its team specific, or if we’re sharing with the whole of FIRST?
EDIT: Upon further inspection, it looks to me like this is only being used as a way for FIRST to communicate with the teams and easily make files accessible in some central forum. So, I guess this is where we can expect to find field drawings and the virtual kit of parts and things. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to me like the teams themselves will have any opportunity to use the service for their own purposes.
Auto desk has a new thing called stremline and it lets you post your creations to auto desks servers for other people to see. it is password protected so only who you select can see it. but the really cool thing about it is the viewing feture…instead of making people download the part to view it you can see it within the “webpage type thing” and even take stuff apart. hope this helps