PS Eye doesn't appear in any dashboard

Here’s a PlayStation Eye hastily connected to our 2017 robot:

Me holding a PS Eye connected to a live roboRIO. A blue LED is lit.

Looks like it should work, right? Well, yes, it looks like it should, but nooooo. There’s no trace of the camera anywhere in the FRC suite, not in Driver Station’s default dashboard, nor in SmartDashboard, nor in Shuffleboard. This seems to be because roboRIO doesn’t recognize the camera, despite making CameraServer listen to all USB ports on the thing:


What’s going on here? Is this just a broken camera/USB port, or do we have bigger problems (like a broken roboRIO)?

The RoboRIO doesn’t support the PS Eye camera. See Playstation Eye Camera Problems

Either use a different camera or use a coprocessor such as a Raspberry Pi (the FRCVision image works great with the PS Eye).

I don’t believe the Linux kernel version in the roboRIO supports the PS3 eye, or at least has the patch that was created years ago. At least, according to this CD thread from 2015. According to the thread though, you might be able to apply it yourself.